Monday, September 21, 2015


Source from

I love this dish.. I had tried this recipe few times. Frankly speaking, I seldom cook beef , but due to my regular body check-up report, I lack of ion.. is extremely low.. Well, GP advise to take the supplementary which make my stomach unwell.. Thus, the good way is to get more 'natural ion' from the food then... Now, beef will be a frequent dish appear for the dinner :)

I like beef tendon, but seldom buy brisket.. so this dish is good to clear the meat from my fridge. Stewed dish will make the meat very tender and easier for kids and 'old man' to eat too..hahaha.. 

I need to note this down else I have to always go back to Christine blog to search again..

Here come the ingredients:

  • 牛腩(去肥膏切粗塊) 900克 
  • 牛筋(切段) 500克
  • 薑片 4片
  • 南乳(用匙羹壓爛) 4至5磚
  • 磨豉醬 1湯匙
  • 水 4量杯(務要蓋過牛筋)
  • 冰糖(約大拇指大小) 20克
  • 紅蘿蔔/白蘿蔔(切粗塊) 1條
  • 生抽(醬油)2茶匙
  • 粟粉(玉米粉)2茶匙
  • 蠔油 2茶匙
  • 水 2湯匙
  • 鹽 酌量
  1. 把牛腩和牛筋分別用滾水煮 3分鐘,去血水。撈起沖水洗淨,瀝乾水分。
  2. 用一大的厚底鍋子燒熱油,用中火爆香薑片,南乳和磨豉醬。倒進牛腩和牛筋,炒勻,約5分鐘。加水和冰糖,煮滾後加蓋,轉中小火,燜至牛筋軟稔,約3小時。如有需要,中途可加沸水。加紅蘿蔔或白蘿蔔,繼續煮約20分鐘。拌入汁料,煮至自己喜歡的濃稠度,即成。
Well, you can always refer back her blog for more details :)
p/s: photo later... going to cook tonight.