Friday, April 24, 2020

Marble Cake

Recently really do a lot of baking.. Getting recipe from friends and try out. Having 3 kids, good thing about this is they can simply finish whatever i bake very quickly. (of course with the condition of the taste not too bad, haha)..

Here come my easy marble cake

Butter - 250g
Sugar - 200-250g (0.9 cup) I prefer not too sweet
Egg - 4 Vanilla - 1 tsp
Self-raising flour - 250g (1.9 cup)
Milk - 3 tbsp
 Coco mixture 1. 1 tsp of coco powder + 3 tsp hot water

Instruction: Preheat oven 180c
1. Add melted butter into a bowl and beat with electric mixer.
2. Slowly add in sugar and mix.
3. Add in egg 1 by 1 and mix.
4. Add in vanilla
5. Add in Self-raising flour (can split in 3 times)
6. Add milk
7. Take out 1/4 cake batter and mix it with coco mixture.
8. Pour in the 3/4 cake batter into cake tray.
9. Slowly added the coco mixture on top, take a skewer or chopstick to swirl it :)
10. Bake for 35 min... and Done!!

Another way is divide the batter into 1/2, mix the coco with the other 1/2 batter, then scoop in the cake batter with the mixing of 2 color.. but i just too l lazy to do that. :p

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sausage Bun

During this Covid-19, kids study at home.. I am more busier than normal day.. Normally i am not interested in baking espeically bread, etc. But this time had started to try bakery > <

Here my first try on sausage bun. The recipe should be either 4 big sausage or 6 smaller sausage, I was using the small frankfurt, end up we made 13 buns + 4 small cinnamen bun (extra dough). As my daughter kept telling me the more the merrier ...hahaha... she was helping me to do as well.

I am using Christine recipe.. but i had amended to suit the kids, which all of them said very nice. And my youngest daughter would love to have it for brekky, lunch and dinner (yes... seriously ..hehe)

高筋粉 50克 (約 1/3 杯)
水 250 毫升 (即 1 杯。可用牛奶代替。或一半水,一半奶)

香腸 13條 (small frankfurt)

高筋粉 350 克 (2 1/2 杯)
糖 55 克 (3湯匙 + 2茶匙)
鹽 5 克 (1茶匙)
全蛋液 56 克 (大隻雞蛋 1隻)
奶粉 7克 (1湯匙 +1 茶匙。增加香味,可不加)
牛奶 125毫升(1/2杯)
湯種 120 克 (把上述已煮好的湯種分半)
快速酵母(Instant Yeast)5至6克(2茶匙)
牛油(奶油,置室溫放軟,待麵糰起筋才加入)30克 (3湯匙)

  1. 把所有材料(除牛油外)依次倒進麵包機(先放濕的材料,然後才放乾的材料):牛奶,蛋,湯種,鹽,糖,奶粉,高筋粉,最後放酵母。我習慣 在麵粉中央撥開一小洞,把酵母放進去。
  2. 選擇麵包機的 dough 功能,材料搞拌至成一麵團,就放進已融解的牛油,繼續搞拌,成一光滑麵團 (可測試麵團搓到是否合格程度,參考溫馨提示)。
  3. 當麵包機停機,等待麵團第一次發酵完畢,見麵團發大兩倍。就取出,放在清潔的工作台上,灑點高筋粉。
  4. 用手按壓麵團,擠出空氣。切割成13等份,滾圓,收口朝下。用保鮮膜蓋著,靜置 15分鐘。
  5. 把每個麵團分別搓成長形,把腸仔捲起。如是者,把所有腸仔分別捲好,放在鋪了 baking paper的焗盤上。蓋上保鮮膜或濕布進行最後發酵,至兩倍大,約 45至 60分鐘。
  6. 塗上蛋汁,放入預熱至 180C (356F) 的焗爐中,焗約 35分鐘,直至轉金黃色為止。放在鐵架上放涼,即成。