Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sweet Potato Balls 番薯蛋

Sweet potato balls番薯蛋 is a street food for Malaysian. You will definitely spot this store in any of the night market (pasar malam) in Malaysia. I usually is 'rice' people, moving here for 9 years making me started to miss a lot of malaysian food, especially I wanted my kids to remember all those 'local' food from their birth country.

My kids not really like sweet potoatoes (same as me when i was kid). But know the good thing about sweet potato and we can get it quite cheap here. I have to find ways to make the kids eat it. :) This is my 2nd attempts, the first one failed, as I poured the steamed water into making the dough, which make it too moist and have to add more flour, and leaded to tensed texture and mm. not nice. In fact this is very simple snack to clear any sweet potato, the only thing is need to deep fried.


Sweet potato (any colors) 3 medium size
Tapioca flour
 Sugar 4 tbsp

1. Cut the sweet potato and steam it. (approximately 15 min). Until it soft.
2. Smash the steamed soft sweet potato with some sugar ( i put 4 tbsp)
3. Add in Tapioca flour ... make it like it can roll into balls.
4. If it's too dry, just add water.

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