Thursday, February 7, 2013


The recipes are from different sources, partially from the youtube, some from net.


温水:160克(不烫手)- 0.7 cups water

2、低筋/中筋面粉:280克(2.33 cup)
玉米淀粉:120克(白色的)(1 cup) 

砂糖:40克(0.2 cup)  n
猪油:40克(43.10 ml)

3、泡打粉 (baking powder):10克 0.5 table spoon / 1.5 teaspoon

蜜汁叉烧包 - 面皮制作

2、将面皮材料的第二项所有材料混合起来,倒入泡开的酵母水,然后混合均匀,用手揉制成光滑的面团。(need to add more water, coz dry, about ¼ cup of water)盖上保鲜膜放置发酵1小时。(时间随成室温不同j可以适当增加或减少)

I made about 9 big char siew pao… didnt know it turn up to be so big…:) Later i try to make it smaller size, which turned up to be 18 pcs.

Oil fried with : 大葱段,洋葱丝,姜片… to create the oil (10 tablespoon(chinese rice spoon) of oils)

Prepare 2  cups:
Cup 1:  (
- 150ml water
- corn and生粉- 3 tablespoon)

Cup 2:  (
- 150ml water, 
- black soysource 16 gram, 2 tablespoon
- hao yaou 20 gram, 2.5 tablespoon
- hoisin source 16 gram, 2 tablespoon
- sugar 80 gram, 7.0 tablespoon
- salt  1 gram, ½ teaspoon
- ajimomotor, 

left some oil, add in cup2, turn on fire..
slowly pour in cup 1,keep on stirring untill sticky…

steam for 6 min

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